Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Carin on Kits

The breeze off the ocean
So clean, refreshing
The sun beating down
So warm, enveloping
The sand conforming
So perfect, relaxing

To find a place like this
Untouched by man’s hand
Would be paradise!

Alas, I am not alone
3 o’clock and all of the west end descends

Hollering teenagers
Music blaring
The party begins

Coarse mouthed burnouts
Partying too
Smoken up a storm

The wind and water act as a megaphone
Forced unintentional ease dropping

A Buddhist monk walks by
And why not?

A clash of the worlds on Kits beach
The only words exchanged
“you’ll never move that log” and
“sorry man” when a football goes astray

Everyone so different
Yet all congregate for the same reason
Warmth, beauty, community = the beach

As for tomorrow
I arrive earlier
With my iPod


onedayatatime said...

You look beautiful :) That sun looks so warm and amazing.....blessings, Carin :)

Keri's Collage... said...


Keri's Collage... said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, Carin, I lived that beach through your perfectly-said words! What a beautiful tribute to the beach!! Ah, you're so cute!!! I love you!! Blessings, Love!! Love Jilly :)